
Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC)The Professional Standards Framework (PSF) was developed by the Higher Education sector in the United Kingdom in 2011. It was promoted by the Higher Education Academy (HEA, now Advance HE) as a way of recognising individuals’ contribution to learning and teaching. The framework allows eligible individuals engaged in teaching and learning to apply for four categories of Fellowship – Associate Fellowship (D1), Fellowship (D2), Senior Fellowship (D3) and Principal Fellowship (D4).

Since January 2020, HKU has run its own local scheme, HKU Advance HE Fellowship Scheme accredited by Advance HE in the UK. This means that instead of applying directly to Advance HE, staff and postgraduate students at HKU can apply via the local scheme.

STaR Programme

As a joint initiative of the Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education (BIMHSE), Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, and Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC), the innovative Student Teaching and Reflection (STaR) Programme aims to recognise and acknowledge valuable contributions made by undergraduate students in peer teaching activities.

The STaR Programme is the first of its kind in Asia, designed to honour efforts of undergraduate students in gaining teaching experience within higher education. By participating, undergraduate students who have successfully completed the requirements will be awarded the Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) accredited by Advance HE in the UK.

Benefits of Gaining Associate Fellowship

  • Consolidates personal development and evidence of professional practice in your higher education career.
  • Provides a valuable measure of success and is increasingly recognised by international institutions.
  • Demonstrates commitment to teaching, learning, and the student experience through engagement in a practical process that encourages research, reflection, and development.
  • Fellowship is increasingly sought by employers across the education sector as a condition of appointment and promotion.
  • Identifies your expertise with the entitlement to use post-nominal letters, AFHEA.