
Faculty Teaching Medal 2020

Faculty Teaching Medal 2020

Ms Eliza YT Tam, 
Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

How did you start your affiliation with HKU Med?
I was appointed as a lecturer with the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy in 2013. Prior to the appointment, I was a practicing pharmacist in Australia and Hong Kong.

How would you describe your teaching style?
Interactive and supportive. During the course development, I have implemented an increased number of workshop sessions so students can utilise their knowledge in practice. It also provides an opportunity for peer learning and discussions with teachers/ tutors to realise the practical considerations. Students are encouraged to express their thoughts, with logical reasoning to build on their analytical skills.

What is the most creative thing you have done to engage your students?
It is often difficult for students to understand the challenges faced by the elderly in the management of their chronic conditions and medications. In 2016, we started our collaborations with a local NGO on a home visit programme. The programme targets the elderly who live alone or as a couple with multiple chronic conditions or medication. Final year students will follow these cases for one year and conduct medication review with the support of a pharmacist at the elderly home. The programme brings realisation to students on challenges faced by the patients in terms of physical, emotional, and financial needs in managing their chronic conditions. During classroom teaching, we would only be able to use patient cases to illustrate the challenges, but the learning brought by this real-life experience is invaluable and rewarding to student’s learning.

What did you like most when teaching in HKU Med?
The use of Problem Based Learning is fundamental at HKU Med and it is an excellent tool in translating knowledge into practice. The support I have received from the Faculty and my own Department has been tremendous. It has allowed me to develop new programmes in the enhancement of student learning and pedagogy to tailor for the dynamic learning environment.