Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Reimagaine Education Awards
Recognised as the ‘Oscars’ in Education, the Reimagine Education Awards’ extended panel of over 200 international judges select winners with innovation, scalability, efficacy, and uniqueness as the criteria of achieving outstanding standards.
2021 QS Reimagine Education Gold Award (Hybrid Learning)
Breaking disciplinary Silos with Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP): An e-Mart approach
Dr George Tipoe, Dr Fraide Ganotice and the IPECP Team
Project Summary
Provided through disciplinary silos, traditional medical education reinforces hierarchical relationships and competition, and deprives students’ the opportunity to learn skills for dealing with increasingly complex medical conditons and challenging work environments, leading to dire consequences. The International Alliance of Patients’ Organization (2018) reported that globally, an estimated annual amount of 42 billion USD was associated with medication errors, and that one in 10 patients was harmed while receiving treatment in hospitals. Some of these incidents could have been prevented if healthcare were delivered by interprofessional healthcare teams. Competence in interprofessional practice should not, however, be taken as given. We need to help pre-service professionals develop skills in leadership and team work, communication, conflict management, and reflective practice. Unfortunately, it was estimated that only 8% of the 500,000 students worldwide could demonstrate collaborative problem-solving skills. IPECP aspires to provide healthcare education that is fit for this purpose.
Collaborative practice should start with pre-service IPE to develop among students competencies in professional communication, interprofessional conflict management, collaborative leadership, and reflective practice. Using team-based case-oriented discussion that is facilitated by Open edX, IPECP provides learning opportunities for students from 12 programmes in six faculties. Our programme successfully equips students to provide the highest quality of care across settings, even in times of health crisis.IPECP is “eMART” – evolving, measurable, achievable, relevant (needs-based), and theory-based.
2021 QS Reimagine Education Gold Award (Life Sciences)
Cardiac Imaging Massive Open Online Course
Dr Ming-Yen Ng, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Project Summary
What is Cardiac Imaging Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)?
The Cardiac Imaging Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a series of courses focused on cardiac imaging which currently contains cardiac computed tomography (CT) and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to diagnose, rule out and manage cardiac disease. Our courses are the first ever cardiac CT and MRI MOOCs in the world.
About our courses
Cardiac disease is the most common cause of death worldwide, and imaging is heavily utilised in the diagnosis and management of cardiac disease. Our course came about due to the lack of doctors and allied health professionals with sufficient understanding of cardiac CT and MRI and the difficulty in obtaining training and theoretical knowledge despite cardiac CT and MRI being increasingly recommended in cardiology guidelines. Our course provides free educational lectures and hands-on cases in a virtual workshop format. This will aid healthcare professionals to gain necessary understanding and practical skills to better utilise cardiac CT and MRI.
The MOOC features:
Moreover, we obtained support from 6 industrial sponsors. Besides our supportive industrial sponsors, our course is the first fully online course to be endorsed by SCMR. The course has reached at least 148 countries worldwide with just under 10,000 learners.
Recent achievements
With support from industry and HKU, the Cardiac Imaging MOOC won gold at the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Reimagine Education Award in Life Sciences category and became one of the 12 edX prize finalists in 2021. It was also shortlisted for the QS Reimagine Education Award in 2020.