BIMHSE Archive

Scale development and validation: What teachers need to know (Workshop 2: Confirmatory Factor Analysis)

  • Date / Time
03 Sep 2024
  • Location
Yu Chun Keung Medical Library Knowledge Hub
  • Abstract
Validating educational measurement scales is a critical step in ensuring the accuracy and trustworthiness of research findings and assessment practices. Researchers must demonstrate that their instruments accurately measure the intended constructs, while teachers need confidence in the validity of their assessment tools. Understanding the principles and techniques of scale validation is crucial for educators and researchers to ensure the robustness of their measurement scales for assessment, grant applications, and research writing.

This workshop builds upon previous knowledge of scale development (i.e., from Workshop 1 – Exploratory Factor Analysis), and will add focus on advanced validation techniques and strategies. The workshop will focus on confirmatory factor analysis, a commonly used scale validation strategy used to validate an a priori hypothesized model. Through guided exercises and hands-on activities, attendees will gain practical skills in assessing and improving the psychometric properties of existing scales. These skills can be directly applied to refining assessment tools, strengthening the methodology section of Teaching Development Grant applications, and enhancing the overall quality of research. By participating in this workshop, educators and researchers will learn to critically evaluate the acceptability of previously formulated measurement scales.

The workshop will accommodate only the first 15 participants preferably those who have knowledge of exploratory factor analysis covered in Workshop 1. This limited capacity allows for personalized opportunities for hands-on training, maximizing the effectiveness of the workshop.

All teaching staff are welcome.
  • Speaker(s)
Prof Fred Ganotice has background in Educational Psychology who has published a number of manuscripts on scale development and validation. He is the Programme Director of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) and Associate Fellowship of Advance HE via STaR programme.

Mr John Ian Wilzon Dizon is a Research Assistant at the Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education (BIMHSE). His research interests and publications involve scale development and validation, medical and interprofessional education, educational psychology, and mental health and well-being.

  • Booking
Bookings are closed for this event.
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