BIMHSE Research and Scholarship Seminar – Teaching and Development Grants (TDG) Sharing Session
Seminar overview:
This seminar aims to help Faculty colleagues who are planning a TDG project or who are just interested in medical education research. It will help provide insight into the design and thinking behind successful HKUMed TDG projects through the sharing by Dr Nicholas Fung and Dr Fred Ganotice.
Absent with apologies.
Unfortunately, Dr Nicholas Fung was unable to attend the seminar due to urgent work duties that came up at the last minute.
TDG projects:
Introduction of Virtual Reality to the Teaching of Direct Ophthalmoscopy for Medical Students at the University of Hong Kong
Dr Nicholas Fung, Department of Ophthalmology
To update the teaching and learning experience of direct ophthalmoscopy for medical students in order to improve skills, raise importance of fundi exam, and interest of the examination.
All Medical Students in their MBBS Junior clerkship (JC) will learn to use a direct ophthalmoscope using a VR simulator before being exposed to real patient fundi. After training is complete, a group of Medical Students in their MBBS senior clerkship (SC) that learned to observe the fundi using traditional teachings will be compared to a group of MBBS junior clerkship taught with the VR training. Parameters include anatomy identification, time taken for exam, accuracy of cup to disc ratio and identification of pathologies. Co- authors will include one current JC and SC medical student from HKU and one houseman in order to facilitate planning and execution of the study.
The Junior clerkship curriculum and training will be changed to reflect this addition. In place of the clinical attachment at Grantham Hospital, the skills will be taught at Cyberport HKU office where the training equipment will be maintained. The results from the training and comparisons with previous teachings will be compiled for publication.
From Literacy to Actual Collaboration: Applying a Spiral Approach to a Large-scale Cross-Faculty Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Model for HKU
Dr Fred Ganotice, Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education (BIMHSE)
Interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) at HKU has been offered as a cross faculty initiative involving the LKS Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Faculty of Education and participated by students from Chinese Medicine, Education, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Psychology, Law and Social Work. This program aims to break down educational silos by putting together diverse disciplines to recognize the transformative power of collaboration in patient management. Despite the success in transitioning to online IPECP during the pandemic, a limitation of this model is being one-shot design where students are expected to master desirable competencies in a single time point. To address this limitation, a three-tier IPECP is proposed. In this spiral progression model, activities are presented with increasing levels of complexity across the curriculum: Tier 1 (Literacy) as a prelude to Tier 2 (Simulation) and Tier 3 (Collaborative practice). While Tier 2 has been ongoing, the inclusion of Tiers 1 and 3 provides assurance of the development of collaborative competencies among students. This project aims to examine how to effectively deliver the teaching of Tiers 1 and 3 using technology to effectively manage a large-scale IPECP. It hopes to deliver teaching-learning modules, clinical cases, e-learning application, publication, and development of evidence-based IPECP model.
Dr Nicholas Fung, Department of Ophthalmology, HKU
Dr Fred Ganotice, BIMHSE, HKU
Dr Binbin Zheng, BIMHSE, HKU