BIMHSE News Issue 12

Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education 2018 Learning in Alliance: Inter-professional Health Education and Practice December 18–19, 2018 Effective collaboration between health professionals from different disciplines in multidisciplinary teams positively affects patients’ health care outcomes. However, preparing students for such collaborative practice can be challenging. The theme of this symposium was Learning in Alliance: Inter-professional Health Education and Practice, hosted by the LKS Faculty of Medicine on December 18–19, 2018. The main themes included the use of innovative pedagogies and technology, development of faculty and leadership, and examples of successful collaborative practice. The symposium drew on the expertise and experience of international and local speakers on the best way to implement IPE and to illuminate the possibilities and pitfalls in implementing inter-professional education. The conference was attended by over 297 local, regional and overseas participants and featured 133 abstract submissions, 30 oral presentations and 65 poster presentations. Amongst the many highlights of the conference were three plenary sessions, a film screening of Bending the Arc , and a forum on Experience Sharing. The first plenary session on Evidence of Impact featured Professor Elizabeth Anderson from the University of Leicester, UK, who spoke on ‘Inter- professional Health Education and Practice: Evidence and Impact’; Dr Cynthia Whitehead from the University of Toronto, Canada, whose talk was ‘Impactful Education for Collaboration: Is it Time for a Paradigm Shift in IPE’; and Dr Devin Nickol from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA, who spoke on ‘Inter-professional Education and Practice: The State of the Evidence’. The second plenary session, Future of Inter-professional Education: Technology and Pedagogy, invited Professor Chia Chin Lin from the University of Hong Kong, whose talk was ‘Future of Inter-professional Education: Learning with Machine and Machine Learning’; Professor John M O’Donnell from the University of Pittsburgh, who spoke on ‘Quality Improvement for Simulation Programs: From Task Training to IPE’; and Dr Hing Yu So from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine, Hong Kong, who shared his views on ‘Simulation and Inter-professional Education’. The third plenary session on Faculty Development and Leadership of Inter-professional Education was conducted by Professor Ruby Grymonpre from the University of Manitoba, Canada, who spoke on ‘Faculty Development in Inter-professional Education (IPE): A Vital Component of a Sustainable Interprofessional Curriculum’; and Dr Ling Yu Yang from Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, who addressed the topic ‘Using Simulation based Inter-professional Education for Faculty Development’. The conference gala dinner, hosted by the Chairman of the Organising Committee, Dr Lap Ki Chan, was held on December 18, 2018. 02