Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education – HKU 2011

Call for Abstracts

Participants are welcome to submit abstracts in English on topics related to one of the four themes of the Conference, namely "Educational Approaches in Medical and Health Sciences", "Electives/ Special Study Module (SSM)", "Humanities/ Ethics and Law" and "Global Health". Besides, submission of abstracts on topics in related to General Medical and Health Sciences Education are welcome.

The deadline for abstract submission is September 30, 2011. Shortlisted and accepted abstracts will be presented either in poster exhibition or oral report at a designated session to be held on Friday, December 2, 2011. The format of presentation will be made known to the abstract presenters in mid-October.  

Submission of abstracts should be made via the Conference Website on or before October 21, 2011 (extended deadline).

Those who fail to receive any notification of whether the submitted abstract is accepted and/ or shortlisted by the stated time should contact the Conference Secretariat via email


Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education,  Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong