Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education 2020
Entitled “Medical Education Disrupted – Negativity or Creativity”, the Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education virtual conference was successfully held on November 27-28, 2020. Altogether, 25 prominent speakers from both local and overseas were gathered online to speak on topical issues such as “what is disruption in medical education, what is happening now, and what is next” in various plenary and panel discussion sessions. A total of 246 participants from 13 countries and regions attended the live Zoom conference and 40 delegates participated in the 2 workshops titled “Improving Communications and Presentation Skills in Live and Online Environments” and “Building and Integrating Peer Assisted Learning Programmes into Anatomy Curricula”. Over 60 free paper presentations were delivered by authors from local and overseas institutions.
Recordings for the sessions are available below. Please click on the topics for accessing the videos (HKU portal login required):
Opening Ceremony + First Plenary Session: What is……Disruption Defined and Demonstrated……
Panel Discussion: What’s Beyond Gen Z?
Second Plenary Session: E-ruptions in Education……What’s Now?
Third Plenary Session: What’s Next? Is There “Room” in Future Classrooms?
Panel Discussion: Learner of the Present, Practitioners of the Future