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MOOCs in Postmodern Asia
How do students use their mobile devices in problem-based learning?
LK Chan1, SM Bridges1, I Doherty2, M Ng1, J Jin1, N Sharma3, NK Chan1, HYY Lai1
1 The University of Hong Kong
2 Navitas, Australia
3 National University Hospital, Singapore
Establishing an elearning platform in clinical neurosciences at HKU
KK Lau,1 LK Chan,1 OY Li,1 PTK Yuen,1 YK Wong,1 JWY Wong,1 KH Chan,1 JFW Chan,1 RSK Chang,1 RCC Chang,1 RTF Cheung,1 I Doherty,2 SL Ho,1 SFK Hon,1 JSK Kwan,1 R Lee,3 GKK Leung,1 W Mak,1 HKF Mak,1 KC Shih,1 ACO Tsang 1
1The University of Hong Kong
2Navitas, Sydney
3Queen Mary Hospital
Role Models of Professionalism: Who they are, what they think and how they influence medical students Who students
J Chen and J Tsang
The University of Hong Kong
Assessing the empathy of medical students: Validity of the consultation and relational empathy (CARE) measure
JY Chen, WY Chin, CSC Fung, CKH Wong, JPY Tsang
The University of Hong Kong
Suffering, dying, grief and loss: Medical students' photo-reflections
JY Chen, JWH Tsang, LC Chan
The University of Hong Kong
Medical students' conception of professionalism: The impact of an early family doctor attachment
JY Chen, WY Chin, JPY Tsang
The University of Hong Kong
Art making in a family medicine clerkship: How does it affect student empathy?
JY Chen, JS Potash, CLK Lam, VTW Chau
The University of Hong Kong
Laypersons' views on doctors' use of Chinese medical terms, a qualitative study
YL Wu, LK Chan, R Fielding
The University of Hong Kong
Promoting brief psychological counseling to medical students
WY Chin
The University of Hong Kong
Student reflections on a patient-centered primary Care attachment
WY Chin, C Lam
The University of Hong Kong
Exploring the tutors' needs and perceptions with case-based, problem based learning in family medicine
Y Lo, WY Chin, J Chen
The University of Hong Kong
Is it better to use teachers or patient support group volunteers as surrogate patients to train students in clinical problem solving?
WY Chin, ALM Yip, JY Chen, VTW Chau
The University of Hong Kong
Eliminating flawed items in high-Stakes examinations The Chinese University of Hong Kong experience
SM Kumta, Y Jin, YCJ Leung, LKA Yung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Using augmented reality to expand medical teaching
YCJ Leung, SM Kumta, LKA Yung, Y Jin
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Virtually there: a journey to the HKU Medicine Island for teaching and learning
JWY Ho, NS Wong, L Yip, LK Chan, MH Sham
The University of Hong Kong
Building creative and collaborative assessment strategies into a large introductory biomedical sciences class – Evidence for sustained deep learning and potential adaptability for MOOCs
SJ Bevan, CWL Chan, JA Tanner*
The University of Hong Kong
Assessment of a bilingual course on epidemiology
ZQ Wang, T Wu
Peking University
In-class online experiment as a teaching tool in health psychology
The University of Hong Kong
"Model World Health Organization": Problem-based learning orientation for medical students in Jinan University
WK Ming1,2*, SN Chan1, YX Shi1, XM Xiao1
1 The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University
2 The University of Hong Kong
Psychological wellbeing of medical interns in Hong Kong: What causes them stress and what helps them
TP Lam, JGWS Wong, Mary SM Ip, KF Lam, SL Pang
The University of Hong Kong
Western mental health training for Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners
TP Lam1, KY Mak1, D Goldberg2, KF Lam1, KS Sun1
1The University of Hong Kong
2King's College, London
Evaluation of the flipped classroom at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
N Sharma, CS Lau, D Harbutt, G Morris, I Doherty
The University of Hong Kong