List of Speakers (In alphabetical order)
Invited speakers
Dr Albert Wai Lap Chau
BSc(Eng) HK; MS, PhD Wisc; PCPsych; FHKPsS Dean of Student Affairs The University of Hong Kong
Professor Liselotte Dyrbye Professor of Medicine, Professor of Medical Education, and Consultant Division of Primary Care Internal Medicine Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota Associate Chair Faculty Development, Staff Satisfaction, and Diversity Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic and Associate Director Department of Medicine Program Physician Well-being
Professor Michael Kidd Executive Dean Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences Flinders University and President World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA)
Professor Jeanette Lancaster former Dean School of Nursing University of Virginia and former President American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Professor Trudie Roberts Director Leeds Institute of Medical Education University of Leeds and President Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
Professor N. G. (Niv) Patil Honorary Clinical Professor and Senior Adviser Centre for Education & Training at the Department of Surgery; and Institute for Medical & Health Sciences Education, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Professor Ducksun Ahn MD, FRCSC, MA (Lit.), MA (Bioethics), P.g.Dip (MEd.) Professor, Departments of Medical Humanities/Plastic Surgery College of Medicine Korea University
Dr Hiroshi Nishigori Associate Professor Center for Medical Education Kyoto University
Professor Wipada Kunaviktikul PhD, RN, FAAN Professor and Dean Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University (FON, CMU)
Professor Matthew C. E. Gwee Professorial Fellow and Chairman, International & Education Programmes Centre for Medical Education Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University Health System National University of Singapore
Dr. Shih-Li Tsai
MD, MA National Taiwan University Hospital
Dr. Yan Xu Assistant professor Department of Sociology and Social Work Sun yat-sen University
Dr Julie Chen
The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Eugenie Leung BSocSc, MSocSc(Clin.Psy.), PhD(Clin.Psy.), FHKPsS
The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Esther Lau
Ph.D.(Clin.Psych.), R.Psych.(B.C., Canada), Reg.Clin.Psych.(HKPS, HK)
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Dr. Michael Tse
The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Angela Yee-Man Leung
PhD, MHA, BN, RN (HK & Australia), FHKAN (Geron)
The University of Hong Kong