Associate Fellowship

Process and Timeline


You must use the STaR Programme application templates. In order to be awarded the Associate Fellowship, applicants need to demonstrate their effectiveness as teachers in TWO out of the FIVE Areas of Activity in the Professional Standards Framework

A1: Design and plan learning activities (and/or programmes)

A2: Teach and/or support learning through appropriate approaches and environments

Once you have registered on the programme and completed a face-to-face mandatory workshop, you will be allocated a mentor from the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. You will have a maximum of thirty-six months* to complete your application with guidance from your mentor. Additionally, you will need to complete five video-based modules that cover topics such as peer learning, small group facilitation, questioning skills, and providing feedback to students.

Teaching Observation

You are required to be observed by your mentor in at least one of your teaching sessions. In your teaching portfolio, you will be able to include thoughts and actions based on the post-observation discussion.

Also, as part of your application, you must submit a supporting statement from an experienced teacher (or your mentor) who knows about your teaching practice. He or she should read your application documents before writing his or her supporting statement. 



January cohort 2024

May cohort 2024


16th Nov – 11th Dec 2023

17th Apr – 17th May 2024

Mandatory Workshop

14th Dec 2023

22nd May 2024

Submission Deadlines*

30th Jun 2024
30th Nov 2024
30th Jun 2025
30th Nov 2025
30th Jun 2026
30th Nov 2026

30th Nov 2024
30th Jun 2025
30th Nov 2025
30th Jun 2026
30th Nov 2026
31st May 2027

* If you are in your final year of study, you should submit the documents before 31st May.