STaR Programme Scheme

The STaR Programme has two intakes annually – in January and in May. Student applicants are expected to submit the teaching portfolio together with other required documents in a maximum of thirty-six months after successful registration. In addition, applicants must attend a mandatory face-to-face workshop, and each applicant will be allocated a mentor who is a Fellow of Advance HE and a faculty member in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. 

The completed teaching portfolios together with other relevant documents submitted by applicants will be assessed by two reviewers independently. A sample (50%) will be moderated by the HKU Advance HE coordinator and one assessor outside the faculty. Once moderated, a sample of 50% will be reviewed by the external reviewer to ensure consistency in the assessment process. Dr Fiona Muir, Reader, School of Medicine, University of Dundee, UK, has been appointed as the external reviewer of the STaR Programme. 

Possible outcomes are: 

Approved – the applicant will be awarded the Associate Fellowship of Advance HE. 

Revise and resubmit – the application does not quite meet the standards. The applicant will receive feedback on what needs to be addressed and will have two weeks to resubmit. If a re-submission is not approved, the applicant needs to re-register on the scheme. 

Not approved – the application is deemed not to meet the required standards, you must wait until the following deadline before re-submitting. 

Once your teaching portfolio has been approved, the outcome will be ratified at an Associate Fellowship panel and your name will be entered into the database of Advance HE. You will then receive a certificate directly from Advance HE.