Associate Fellowship

Registration, Workshop and Mandatory Modules

All undergraduate students in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine are eligible to apply for the STaR Programme. We recommend that students who have completed some peer teaching activities to register for the nearest upcoming cohort. Upon successful registration, a notification email will be sent to applicants.


January 2024 Cohort 

May 2024 Cohort

Registration is closed

Registration is closed


The mandatory face-to-face workshop covers elements of teaching and learning that you are unlikely to have come across before, such as theories of learning and evidence-informed teaching practice.

 January 2024 CohortMay 2024 Cohort
PSF Orientation Workshop (Mandatory)

14 Dec 2023
5:00 – 8:00 PM
SR608, William Mong Block

22 May 2024
5:00 – 8:00 PM
SR609, William Mong Block

Registration is closed

Registration is closed

Mandatory Video-based Modules

Upon successful registration, applicants will gain access to the Peer Teaching Certificate Program (PTCP) Moodle Course to complete the five video-based modules as part of the requirements.

PTCP Moodle Course