
The word limit is 1,500 words for the STaR Teaching Portfolio.

No, your reference list is not included in the word count.

Academic references should be made using Harvard referencing style.

The document must use plain text and in PDF format. No images, tables or diagrams should be included.

Supporting Statement must be written using the template given and submitted in PDF format. It also has to be signed by your mentor by hand or electronically.

You are allowed to replace the uploaded files before the submission deadline. However, you will NOT be able to replace the uploaded files after the submission deadline.

No, you must submit the files via Moodle. Documents that are sent through email will not be considered.

You should notify the administrator at starmed@hku.hk after uploading the final version of all required documents. A confirmation email will be sent to you after all information and documents are checked and verified.

Your application of Associate Fellowship will be assessed by two reviewers. The processing time is approximately 8-12 weeks. You will be notified about the application outcome via email directly by Advance HE.